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Why do I love trailers?

As I sat weeping over the new Spider-Man trailer, I had to ask myself this question: What’s the big deal about trailers anyway? Why do I get so giddy about what are essentially commercials put out by giant faceless corporations? And why am I constantly spoiling future moviegoing experiences for the fleeting joy of knowitallism?

What did I come up with? Hope. I think I am drawn to trailer sites to kindle the hope that something great is again on the horizon, the dazzling images and sketchy storyline fuel that conviction that a movie is just around the corner that might just make it onto the short list of the “great” films of our time.

So as I stare at the teaser for The Amazing Spider-Man and wipe away my tears of joy, it’s because I see a unique take on the Spider-Man legend presented in a way I haven’t seen before. And while that is the very definition of “novelty”, I think it’s something with a little more substance – it’s defiance in the face of cinematic  mediocrity and that’s cause to be excited.

And now that I’ve rationalised my trailer obsession to my own satisfaction, why don’t you have a look at the teaser for The Amazing Spider-Man and keep your eyes peeled for Denis Leary.

8 comments to Why do I love trailers?

  • You loved this so much?! Very interesting because I’m quite unimpressed by the trailer. It feels like a retread of Sam Raimi’s first film with a little more brooding and a darker tone. It’s still a much better teaser than the joke video they passed as a trailer for The Dark Knight Rises.

    • I actually did like this trailer alot, but I think my love for trailers in general was more of the impetus to write about them – it might be compelling, but this Spidey teaser can’t carry the weight of an entire blog post! I think what I liked about this one so much is that it added in Peter’s parents (a rarely tread upon subject), that it’s going with the whole Gwen Stacey thing, which is what they should have done the first time out, and the whole POV webslinging parkour sequence – just awesome. So weird that it hasn’t been done in these movies before and it really works well, especially for the purposes of a teaser.

  • I do love me a good trailer…though I reckon less than half of what we see are good trailers. Too many of them I find fall into the trap of showing you too much. Then there’s all the different versions (Red Band! International!!) that show more and more…by the time we dish out our hard-earned, we’ve seen many of the best moments.

    It’s a pity they don’t let more directors cut their own trailer – I really think they could be more creative with the device.

    For what it’s worth, here are a few that stand out in my memory…

    THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (don’t laugh)

    • I would certainly never so far as to call all trailers great – or even good – or even worthy of discussion. It’s the search for hope that fuels the need to watch more trailers, hoping to find one that offers the promise of something special down the line. Check out this trailer here – it might offer a little too much, but I would totally watch this movie now after seeing it:

  • Dylan

    I was pretty much with Castor there (I, too, dug the POV webslinging, but was nonplussed by all else), but I’m totally on board with you with the reasons we watch…and become obsessed with…and spoil ourselves over…trailers. It’s a bit sad, given their commercial nature, but anticipation can be so sweet, however sour the end product may be.

    • It’s not even as satisfying an addiction as crack in that the dosage is often disappointing from the jump, but trailers remain the greatest source of reassurance that things can get better. We just love movies so much that we want them all released right now – so much so that we’ll peek in the closet to see what’s coming – completely at the expense of the novelty of the film we’re looking forward to. Jeez, what’s wrong with me?

      You didn’t find the take on including Peter’s parents interesting? Or the prospect of seeing Martin Sheen shot to death on the big screen? He hasn’t had a great on screen death since being tossed off a roof in The Departed.

  • I was desparate

    It’s true. Once you start, you can’t stop until it’s like 2 in the morning and you’ve done no work at all. Damn you, related videos!

    I was all meh about the Amazing Spiderman because they already made a 3-part series about it with Toby McGuire. I think I’ll go watch it mainly because Andrew Gaarfield is in it. He was tank in The Social Network.

  • I was desparate

    The Dream House also reminds me of Shutter Island with Leonardo Di Caprio. Similar twist revealed …

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