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Cinema Code of Conduct

The industrious folks over at the BBC’s Wittertainment have compiled a list of what they consider to be the unbreakbale vows of the moviegoing experience and Wynter Tyson over at Cinemascream was thoughtful enough to get us all together to rally to their cause. While some of the terms and units might require a little North American translation, there’s a universal message here that I think we can all understand: When you’re at the movies, mind your freakin’ manners!

As such a comprehensive list of cinematic commandments I can find little fault here, even if I have been known to break one or two of these rules every once in a while, but I think there is one area they overlooked, so allow me to add my 11 rule:

No Hogging Seats

Trying to save seats for you and your 6 other friends is totally out of the question. You can save the seats on either side of you and that’s it. And if you’re saving a seat for someone who hasn’t even bought their ticket yet, I’m afriad they’re out of luck.