
Total Film's 600 Movie Blogs You Might Have Missed




Why do I love trailers?

After going all gaga for the latest Spider-Man trailer, Steve had to ask himself, what’s the big deal about trailers?

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Top 5 Fridays – Arguments for an Oscar for Comic Book Writers

Steve offers up 5 reasons why there should be an Oscar for comic book writers.

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The Film Cynics put you in The Hurt Locker

The Cynics review a film hailed as the greatest war movie of all time: The Hurt Locker. Does it deliver explosive action, or is it a bomb in need of disposal?

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“These rats have gone cuckoo bananas!”

There were a lot of things wrong with Spider-Man that might not have been very apparent at the time, but the one thing that irritates me like a hangnail are the the so-called crazy rats at Oscorp.

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We don’t give up easily…

Hey folks!

Been going through a bit of a dark time over here in Cynics land, but we’re pushing on through to get to the other side brighter and better. I’ve been cookin up my Watchmen review, which I’ll be posting either today or tomorrow.

In the meantime I found something funny that might

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The Spidey Prophecy Fulfilled?

Steve gets to once again breathe a sigh of relief and utter the words “I told you so” regarding the casting of J.K. Simmons in Spider-Man 4.

Continue reading: The Spidey Prophecy Fulfilled?