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The Machete that chopped down the Hornet’s Nest

After a week’s hiatus, we’re back and finally ready to chat about our favorites of 2010. Not a lot of surprises here, but this a great chance for us to pat ourselves on the back for our great taste in movies. We’ve also got reviews of The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest and Machete and some impromptu trailers and Vault picks. Welcome back, everyone!

  1. We’re on the best of 2010 straight out of the gate with a brief intermission to give away a Mechanic mini prize pack. If theres one thing we like sharing more than opinions, it’s prizes.
  2. We speed things along to cram the rest of our top 5s in before the news break, it helps that we’ve got a few picks in common.
  3. The Girl That Kicked the Hornet’s Nest closes the Millenium Trilogy with some much awaited thrills and revelations. It might not stand on it’s own, but can we really hold that against a film like this?
  4. It might be hard to believe that a movie based on a fake trailer could wind up garnering a cast including the likes of Steven Seagal and Robert DeNiro – but when Robert Rodriguez decides to lampoon his own brand of “Mexploitation”, Machete is what you get.
  5. We’ve got ulterior motives with our Vault picks this week, or Steve does anyway. Brian’s got El Mariachi in celebration of Rodriguez’s esteemed career and Steve goes with The Lovely Bones, outraged that it wasn’t more lauded after finally seeing it the night before. For trailers, we’ve got the unlikely choices of Scream 4 and Rubber.

Also, while I forgot to mention it on the air, the Sorting It All Out contest is still on for those who still want to offer up their movie sorting suggestions. In the pot right now there’s the Rocky Undisputed Collection, The Town, Machete, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest & probably a few other things. Thanks to all who’ve entered, we’ll let the lucky winner(s) know ASAP.


2 comments to The Machete that chopped down the Hornet’s Nest

  • Solid top fives gents, with an aforementioned special tip of my mad hat to Brian for including my favorite film of the year.

    As for the Milennium Trilogy, I’m actually one who thinks that its a trilogy of diminishing returns. After all that gritty groundwork laid in DRAGON TATTOO…the finale boils down to precious more than a John Grisham thriller? Really?? The first one is mind-blowing, the secong is serviceable…the third? Meh.

    ‘Course thinking back on this, I’m reminded of a comment one audience member asked after another gritty Swedish film called BAD FAITH: “What’s going on in Sweden right now that all your films are so violent and bleak?”. One does have to wonder.

    And effin’ RUBBER!!! I can’t wait for you guys to see that film. I was so unexpectedly amazing when I saw it back in August…I’ve been dying for more people to talk about it with!

    Great show gents – here’s to 2011!

    • Hatter, your comments always make the week brighter!

      You’ll get no argument from me on Dragon Tattoo being number one of the bunch – I stand by saying that it’s member of the very rare “near-perfect movie club” (Still trying to think of a great name for that). Hornet’s Nest and Played with Fire both stepped down from the “nature of true evil” of the first film and into the world better suited to Law & Order CI, but I felt that it did a great job of tying up the loose ends and giving some effective closure for a fascinating character like Lisbeth.

      Rubber, baby! I think that I can guarantee it will never make it to the Island, but I’ll be waiting for it to show it’s face when it comes out on DVD.

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