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Top 5 Fridays | Kaiderman’s Favourite Holiday Films

The day after this post goes up, I will be appearing as a guest on The Film Cynics radio show. As is customary when Steve and Brian have someone on, they task them with coming up with a Top 5 list for the show. No problem really for your friendly neighborhood Kaiderman over at THE LIST!

Steve had suggested a couple of topics for a Top 5, including an early Christmas list. I just wasn’t feeling it. However, lately I had been thinking about putting together a list of films that revolve around holidays that really don’t need to. So, I went with that as it still keeps within the holiday vibe.

My prerequisites for compiling this Top 5 were 2 very simple things. (1) My picks had to feature a holiday that is very prevalent within the film. And (2) the holiday had to have no real impact on how the story need be told. That is, if the holiday were removed completely from the film, the filmmakers could still easily manage to tell the same story.

That being said, here are my TOP 5 FILMS THAT REVOLVE AROUND HOLIDAYS (and don’t really need to). In order:


I had to rewatch this film to make sure it deserved a spot on this list and I’m happy to say it does. It’s still an entertaining watch that reminds me of my childhood in the 80′s. When children’s movies were awesome in that they really shouldn’t have been seen by children. This film kind of defies categorization in that it’s part Horror, part Comedy, part B-Movie and part Family film but really manages to be none of those all at the same time. It also takes place at X-mas but really doesn’t have to. I realize Gizmo was an X-mas gift but he could’ve just as easily been a Birthday present.


My podcast is called Man, I Love Films because I really do… in all forms… even Rom-Coms. I’m the guy who thinks that new Matthew McConaughey/ Kate Hudson vehicle looks really promising. Third times a charm, right? Well, more often than not, WRONG! However, Love Actually is one of those films that gets it right as it features intertwining tales of love. Looking for love, dealing with the loss of love, love in friendship and love on a porn set! The amazing thing is that none of the stories lose your interest. All of the characters are entertaining. Oh, it also takes place at X-mas but could really take place at any other time of year. Sure, Bill Nighy might have to sing about Valentine’s Day or Hanukkah instead but that is very do-able.


What’s not to love about the film that changed the action genre? If it wasn’t for Bruce Willis’s John McClane, all our action icons would still be muscle-bound freaks with speech impediments. Not to mention the fact that it also features Hans Gruber, easily one of cinema’s all time great villains. Great film but the fact that it takes place at X-mas is really nothing more than an after thought.


My wife doesn’t like Bill Murray. I know! I almost filed for divorce the day I found out. Still, even she enjoys Groundhog Day and what’s not to love. Groundhog Day is easily one of Murray’s greatest comedies if not one of the greatest comedies ever made. The idea of using a recurring scenario for comedy is something I’m surprised hasn’t been copied to the umpteenth degree because it truly is such a great tool for the genre. And while I love Punxsutawney Phil, for the sake of the story, Murray’s character could’ve just as easily been covering the Wisconsin Cheese Festival. Um…. GO PACKERS!


ID4, a pseudo-acronym that makes no sense, is the War of the Worlds for my generation. I love it for all it’s cheesy goodness. Roland Emmirich realized what he was put on this earth for when he gave us this film about aliens hell-bent on destroying Mankind. The only thing is the film doesn’t really have to take place on Independence Day. The only reason I can even figure why it even does is so Bill Pullman can give his “Today is the day we celebrate our independence!” speech before the final battle of the film. A speech that is often mocked but, honestly, gives me goosebumps. That’s how much I love this film and why it’s my number one! Well… that and the Fresh Prince of Bad Ass!

10 comments to Top 5 Fridays | Kaiderman’s Favourite Holiday Films

  • Only recently saw Groundhog Day for the first time, it’s definitely a classic holiday movie. Loved it! I will forgive you for putting Love Actually but I really thought that movie was too much. Too much sugar, too much cheese, too much corn, just too much ;)

  • You can never go wrong with ID4. Unless of course you’re Roland Emmerich desperately wandering around trying to recreate the success of it to very limited results.

    Every time I try to put Die Hard on a list of best Christmas films people try and put the kibosh on my, saying it doesn’t count. To them I always say, it’s a movie that takes place during Christmas and has a Christmas song in it – minimum qualifications met!

    • Amen to that, Univarn! Die Hard is definitely a Christmas classic – unlike it’s ugly brother Die Hard II!

      • It is a Xmas movie that does not need to take place at Xmas!

        • What about The Crow? Did it really have to be happening around Hallowe’en and Devil’s Night?

          • YES!!!

          • Alright, alright. A lousy first try.

  • K, lemme give it a go:

    Brazil – It all takes place at Christmas, although it is possible that Christmas happens every day of the year in that dystopian world. Also, the events of the film don’t have as much to do with Christmas as they do with a wrongful arrest.

    Halloween – Really, Michael Myers wasn’t able to hide behind the cloak of trick or treating. All he was doing was trying to kill people who thought they were safe in their homes. Besides, the great hallowe’en flicks are the ones with the original Hammer monsters.

    V for Vendetta – Considering that nobody really knew what Guy Fawkes day was before this movie came along (for the record, I did) I think that November of the 5th had very little to do with people’s ability to enjoy this film.

    Planes, Trains & Automobiles – I think it is holiday related in theme, but the particular holiday seems interchangeable to me. Could be for Christmas, Thanksgiving or Columbus Day or Diwali or whatever.

    Boondock Saints – If you ask me, it might even be a little racist that they felt a movie about Irish killers in Boston had to take place on around St. Patrick’s day. Is that the only time Micks are doing something important? Or perhaps I’m being the prejudiced one and saying the Irish don’t need it to be St. Paddy’s to have a drink and start a brawl that spins into a mob murder spree. But I digress.

  • A solid effort. I would refute Halloween but I see your points!

    • Merci. The Boondock Saints one caught me completely by surprise.

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