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The Walking Deathly Hallows

We are honoured this week to be hosting Grandpappy Listmaker himself, Kai Parker all the way from California to join in on discussing the latest Harry Potter film, The Walking Dead, and his favourite holiday films (sort of).

  1. We get to know our friendly neighborhood Kaiderman and talk about his favourite up & coming director and which of the Scott brothers he loathes the most.
  2. We break out our wands and expecto our patronums to talk about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. Brian then offers up his thoughts on Danny Boyle’s latest film, 127 Hours.
  3. Kai gushes about The Walking Dead and Steve and Brian are happy to oblige him. Kai himself says his secret plan for visiting us chez casa de Cynical was to spread the word about this one of a kind TV show.
  4. When you want a list done right, you talk to a professional. Kai whips up his top 5 holiday films that don’t really need to be centers around that holiday.
  5. With all that smalltalk out of the way we can finally get down to business and break The Descent, Trainspotting and The Empire Strikes Back out of the Vault. That’s right, The Empire Strikes Back. And with the final fleeting minutes we share our trailers of the week, Cowboys & Aliens, Source Code and The Green Hornet.

15 comments to The Walking Deathly Hallows

  • Such a good time… thanks again, fellas!
    Was super nervous for the first 2 segments but then was super fun. Can’t wait to have you on MILFcast, Steve, and Brian has an open invitation! :)

    • We’ll keep the special guest seat warm for you, Kai. Good times!

  • And I made Brian laugh like 8 times so Mission Accomplished!

    • Yeah, point goes to you, buddy. I’m an easy get when it comes to getting a chuckle. Brian’s the one with the discriminating comedic taste.

  • Those were just polite laughs because you were a guest Kai. Just wait until the video is posted on Youtube and you can see all the eye rolling and obscene hand gestures that I was making. I was also all hopped up on cold meds and what not that I barely even remember doing the show.

  • I know I’m late to the table, but I had to find some time for this.

    I loved your talk about Walking Dead. I love the show, and lots of the things you mentioned about why you love Walking Dead is why I loved George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones, and am amped up for the upcoming HBO show (yes the was a simultaneous fan plug and show respect duo)

    I’m a bit wary of Source Code, but I’m holding out hope due to my great love for Moon.

    • Too kind, Univarn! We’re always glad to have you listening in! Game of Thrones, eh? Not on my radar – but I shall do a little digging.

      Yeah, the Source Code trailer didn’t make the greatest of impressions, but I prefer to think of it as the publicity department having no idea of what to do with Duncan Jones’ work and so they hype it as just another stupid sci-fi thriller. We’ll see if they come out with something new to hype it that gives it a little more edge and focus.

      • Do dig, it’s a great fantasy series read and the talent involved with the show promises good things (hopefully the young actors can step up because they’ll have to deal with a lot of very mature subjects)

        Perhaps. I hated the trailer for Moon, gave away way too much of the film. I am hoping, and a few brief shots hinted at it, that Jones does a good amount with Jeffrey Wright, whom I’ve always thought of as an under loved actor who deserves a bit better roles. I would also be surprised if Vera Farmiga is just there to talk on a screen for the big screen the entire time. You never know though.

        • Could it be that it’s too soon to be selling Duncan Jones to the whole wide world of moviegoers? Maybe. What’s for sure is that decisions about what should be teased out in a trailer should be left in the hands of the director, not some flunkies over in the marketing department.

  • Fantastic show gentlemen! I got a bit of a grin because at first kai sounded a little more nervous than I’m used to him sounding…but I’d wager that was because it was a live show and he was afraid he’d let an f-bomb slip.

    Steve & Brian, your love for Walking Dead almost makes up for your Mad Men disdain…almost

    Brian, you’re spot on about the awesomeness that is 127 HOURS. I almost feel like I’ve been talking about it too much, but after seeing it for the second time last weekend, i’m convinced that it’s one of the best films of the year. Hopefully people take your recommendation to heart and get out to see it! (PS – If you’re interested, it’ll be the film reviewed on the next Matineecast).

    Loved the DIE HARD debate. I could chime in with whose side I’m on, but that would break the delicate truce that has been declared between The Cynics.

    • Hatter, you handsome devil! Yeah, Kai was a self-censoring champ – no small feat considering the kind of sailor talk that goes on over at the MILFcast. Kai has actually said he wants me to swear as much as possible when I do his show this weekend, just so I can get it out of my system.

      I’m gonna let that Mad Men dig slide – and let you know that now that Sons of Anarchy is done for another year, there might just be a gap opening in my nightly TV watching. No promises.

      Die Hard shall forever be known as the “agree to disagree” movie for which an cease-fire, not unlike the one between North and South Korea, declared for the forseeable future. Not a peace treaty – just a cessation of arguments. Although I will say this: Isn’t the last line of the whole movie “If this is how they do Christmas, I gotta be around for New Year’s”

      • Yes! Swear away. I almost let a curse fly twice but caught myself last moment. And yes, Hatter, I was VERY nervous for the first 2 segments. By the time we got to TWDead, I was having fun!

        • The level of swearing depends on the degree to which my wife and kids have vacated the house. Let’s hope their trip to Tumblebums lasts the duration so we can keep the expletives flowing.

          • Yes… let’s!!!

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