
Total Film's 600 Movie Blogs You Might Have Missed




We’ve built a better movie blog!

Yesterday I had the honour of coming out the big winner in 31 Days to a Better (Movie) Blog put on by Anomalous Material. By being the most prolific commenter I was awarded a free copy of Darren Rowse‘s book of the same name. But at the risk of sounding really lame, I came out a big winner because I followed just about every little bit of advice Castor had to offer. Those who pay attention to the goings on around the ol’ Cynical ranch will have noticed quite a bit of sprucing up around here over the last 31 days, and it can all be attributed directly to this month-long workshop. If you’re looking for a way to improve your own website, and maybe crank up your traffic a bit, I highly recommend checking it out.

11 comments to We’ve built a better movie blog!

  • Congratulations Steve! It made me really glad to see your blog evolve over the last month or so and knowing that 31DBBB on AM was helpful :)

    • It was, at that! You’ve been offering advice since long before the workshop – so your footprints have been all over this blog for a long while. Still waiting for the day you go back to Atahualpa! ;)

  • Ahaha long live Atahualpa, a very good template that has served us well for a long time (for a template lol)

  • It was quite a learning experience. I have a few vacation days from work and I want to spend the time sprucing up my blog! That’s probably the top of lame. I’m too broke to go anywhere anyway, that’s why I have movies! Hey, thanks for posting that “Catfish” trailer. I just read in Entertainment Weekly that it’s opening early in my neck of the woods (California). I think I’m going to check it out.

  • Congratulations, but now that you’ve learned everything, what is the point of having the book? Hahaha………..

    There have been significant changes around the site here, and all very positive. What I’ve always most enjoyed about your site is how user friendly and accessible it is. Also, it’s bright and easy to read since I’m going blind!

    • The later chapters in the book teach you how to turn your blog into a robo-butler that will sort your mail and fold your socks. Advanced stuff…

      Thanks for noticing some of the sweat that’s gone into this place. There had been plenty of sprucing up all over the blogosphere lately (don’t think I didn’t notice the new coat of paint at Movie Mobsters) and the workshop was the perfect kick in the pants to make the changes that had to be made. I’m glad the blog’s seen as I intended, easy to read and fun to visit. Thanks Heather!

  • The work ethic of you and Brian has been sick since Day 1. Congratulations, and you absolutely deserve it! Normally, I would never say ‘keep being cynical’. But it seems to work for The Film Cynics. ;)

    • It has always amazed me how your ruthless optimism hasn’t been put off by our relentlessly cynical behaviour. Shouldn’t that be ripping a hole in spacetime or something?

  • It would seem so, Steve. We’ll worry about the consequences later.

  • Hey Steve,

    I’m still waiting for Darren to ship me that book (they won’t send it directly :( ). I ordered it over 10 days ago and still haven’t seen it but I will let you know when I get it and send it to you.

    Thought I would give you an update. Sorry for the delay chief.

    • Thanks for the update, Castor. I had been wondering where it had gotten to.

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