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New Thor trailer

The good news just keeps getting better with a sweet new trailer for Thor. I keep see-sawing back and forth between Captain America and Thor to get excited about, not that I’m not giddy with anticipation for Vaughn’s new X-Men prequel, and the Spider-Man reboot. Marvel Studios seems to be firing on all cylinders, and probably just about the time when people are getting tired of the whole superhero thing. (Not me, I’m mean the regular folks.)

The hammer drops on May 6th.

6 comments to New Thor trailer

  • I saw you sneak this in there…”The hammer drops on May 6th.” Boooooo!!!! ;)

    Yea, that’s a good trailer, though I was never down on the last one like so many others.

    • Ah, you watched me actually in the process of actually writing it so I could get it on here ASAP… You know, the Hatter appreciates a good pun, I thought you’d be on board for it too. ;)

  • I’m in the opposite camp this time, Steve. I was excited for THOR until the trailer showed up, and this new one didn’t help. I am however VERY excited for X-Men: First Class.

    • Too goofy for you? I keep the faith that Branagh knows what he’s doing and has plenty of subtext to feed on. You’re right about X-Men though, I was once a skeptic, but after seeing the trailer, this thing can’t lose.

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    [...] from mentioning Transformers 3 and ruining the moment) and Steve’s got the new trailer for Thor in all it’s godly [...]

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