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    Anomalous Material

    No shame in second place!

    The results are in, and while we weren’t crowned as the LAMB’s best podcast, we couldn’t have come in second to classier guy. The Dark of the Matinee’s “The Matineecast” was our category’s winner with Screen Insight’s “The Simon & Jo Show” coming in 3rd. Congratulations go out to everyone involved and we’d especially like to thank those who voted for us – and seeing as we didn’t win, those turkey dinners we promised everyone who voted for us have been postponed indefinitely… although those willing to make to Victoria are always welcome to join us for a pint!

    While we didn’t have a podcast for this week, nor do we have one for next week, we don’t want anyone drawing any conclusions about sour grapes. Our grapes are all fresh and are being hurled in the direction of the CFL for scheduling meaningless pre-season games during our show, forcing a pre-emption that nobody really cares about. In the meantime, we’ll be using this reprieve to start releasing some of our classic video reviews so that we can finally migrate all of the hard work that got us started to the place we tend to get the most visitors. We hope you’ll enjoy that.

    Again, we’d like to thank everyone for their kind nominations and for their votes as well. It was very gratifying to be told there is a value in what we’ve been doing beyond the pleasure of us being able to talk about movies to our heart’s content with nothing to interrupt us but the advertisements for which we will never see a cent. Seriously though, The Film Cynics has been the realisation of a dream for both Brian and I, and even the slightest recognition is more than we could hope for and probably way more than either of us deserve… well, certainly more than Brian deserves.

    4 comments to No shame in second place!

    • Congratulations on being the runner-ups. You are more than gracious in coming second and I highly respect that. I’m sure you will give it another run for the money next year :)

      • Thanks Castor! It really was great to feel that we actually made a dent in the blogging world when all we were doing was scheming for new ways to get free movies. I’m gonna start doing odd jobs around the neighbourhood and maybe get a paper route to save up enough money for cash bribes for next year.

    • Personally I think the voting was rigged. Thanks so much for the kind words gents…I’m gonna try to keep up the efforts and earn this sucker, lest it go down as just another Marissa Tomei moment!

    • rtm

      Woo hoo, congrats Steve! Speaking of award, how about another one? There’s no loser on this one :)

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