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Top 5 Fridays – Must See June Movies

Since summer is almost upon us it is time for the big movie releases of the year (yes I know Iron Man 2 came out last month but since then it has been pretty slim) Now it is going to get kicked up a notch, so here are the 5 movies that I am looking forward to seeing this month.

5. Get Him to the Greek (June 4th) – This is sort of a pseudo-sequel to “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” with Russell Brand reprising his role as Aldous Snow and Jonah Hill as his unfortunate escort. The two had great chemistry in Sarah Marshall and hopefully they can carry this team work forward in this new venture. Hill is sent to London and tasked with bringing Brand to LA for a concert at the Greek theatre. It seems like a modern twist on “Midnight Run” with a lot more comedy and awkward situations. It also stars Puff Daddy or P-Diddy or Sean Combs, you take your pick. But it does look funny and I am seeing it soon.

4. The Karate Kid (June 11th) - Now I am not a big fan of remakes, but there is something about this movie that I am oddly looking forward too. Maybe its because they made the right decision to use Jackie Chan in the Mr. Miyagi role and Jaden Smith as the young student taught the ways of the martial arts. They also moved the movie from LA to Asia and hopefully that will make a difference. It looks slick and fun and it is seeming to keep to the heart of the original. Will it do better then the A-Team? No. But it will be a good matinee movie when the A-Team is sold out.

3. Jonah Hex (June 18th) – I don’t know much about this movie other then it stars Josh Brolin, Megan Fox and somewhere in there Will Arnett makes an appearance (for those of us that are still hooked on Arrested Development this is a big deal) I also know its based on a comic book which we all know is the best source material for any movie being made nowadays. It also has something to do with demons or something. Whatever, it looks cool and Megan Fox is in a corset. Oh yeah, John Malkovich is in it too and he pretty much rules.

2. Toy Story 3 (June 18th) – Now I can finally have all those unanswered questions that parts one and two left me hanging with solved. Seriously  though this is Pixars flagship series and anytime they get together its going to be a good time. Buzz and Woody and gang are back and this time they are sent off to a daycare and they run into some not so nice toys. Plus they try to get back to Andy because apparently this kid will never grow up, even now that he is entering college. The plot doesn’t really matter, all this movie will do is make us laugh and maybe cry and show Shrek how sequels are supposed to be made. Pixar doesn’t make bad movies and I highly doubt they will start with this one. And its in 3D, like that really matters anymore.

1. A-Team (June 11th) – I know this wont be a great movie. It might just be a good movie. But it will be a fun movie full of nostalgia. I grew up loving the A-Team, was a member of the Mr.T fan club and even went as BA Baracus for Halloween one year. Well as a white version, but the attitude was there. They seem to have cast the roles quite well and I am mostly intrigued to see how well Sharto Copely does as Murdoch. As long as things blow up, BA pities the fool and Hannibal loves it when a plan comes together, I will be smiling from ear to ear and forgetting about all the failures of past TV classics being made into feature films.

9 comments to Top 5 Fridays – Must See June Movies

  • No,no,no,no on Jonah Hex and The Karate Kid. However, June doesn’t exactly appear to be the most smashing month for film. Toy Story 3 is probably my number 1, and the A Team is in there. Get him to the Greek looked terrible upon idea, but the trailer actually looks funny. I’ll give Jonah Hex a chance, but I can’t imagine anything good coming from The Karate Kid and am annoyed that it even exists.

  • rtm

    Wow Brian, we must be kindred spirits as I just posted the same list on my blog, albeit we only agree on two movies. I might check out Jonah Hex on dvd on account of Fassbender, but generally meh on the whole thing (especially the lead actor). I’m so over Russell Brand, he was hilarious for a while but I’m tired of his schtick, and Karate Kid ugh, I’m with Heather, how did it even get green lit?!

  • I must say I’m not really looking forward to any of these movies. Looks like June is going to be as weak as the past few weeks for me. The A-Team looks too over-the-top for me and I won’t see it unless reviews are surprisingly positive (I expect like 25% on RT). Toy Story 3 is probably going to be good if not great but I don’t usually seek out animations at the theater. As for the rest, no… simply no :)

  • I think I’m gonna have to declare shenanigans on at least number 4 on this list, if not also number 3. I know that I had Jonah Hex as my trailer of the week a little while back, but you know as well as I do, it’s been a rough few months for trailers lately. I’ve tried to make all kinds of excuses for The Karate Kid, but in the end, I think they should have done a little more with adapting it. Could they not have come up with a new name? Or did buying the rights to the franchise cost so much, they couldn’t pass up using it?

  • Yes, yes, yes, yes, and only if it’s better than Smokin Aces:)
    Saw “Greek” and really liked it. Getting more interested in “Kid” since reading about how FirstShowing though it was good. Hope that “Jonah Hex” doesn’t turn into Wild Wild West but as long as Fassbender is there, so to am I…though I’m just not a Malkovitch fan. “Toy Story 3″ no brainer – Pixar’s got my money til they go out of business. “A-Team” looks like one I’ll see if I decide to movie hop:)

  • Yep, June isn’t exactly filling me with hope. I don’t think us Europeans are getting Toy Story 3 in Iune, which just leaves get Him to the Greek.

    July all the way – Inception and Predators, to begin with.

    • I don’t know if it’s healthy to break the summer down by month. Despite the few bright lights throughout the season, it’s been a pretty poor showing. Can I really be mad though that there’s an A-Team movie this summer for no apparent reason other than it would be fun?

  • Adam

    I refuse to see this version of The Karate Kid. I’m totally offended of their blatant disrespect to pretty much all martial arts by bunching it all together as “karate”. The tv ads flat out have Jackie Chan saying “I will teach you kung fu”. So why the hell is the graphic and announcer saying “The Karate Kid” 10 seconds later???? It makes no sense and I just want to throw my remote at the tv everytime I see it.

    • I’m still scratching my noggin over why they couldn’t call it The Kung-Fu Kid.

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