
Total Film's 600 Movie Blogs You Might Have Missed




Talkin’ ’bout Zombies

Kai’s love for the undead seems to have rubbed off on us as we talk about zombies and zombiness during a commercial break on our show 2 weeks ago.

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The Walking Dead premiere


Steve took a break from handing out candy last night to sit and watch AMC’s latest original show The Walking Dead.

Continue reading: The Walking Dead premiere

How’s the week been so far? (or “The Good, The Bad & The Ugly”)

It’s been a mixed bag of TV and movies this week.

Continue reading: How’s the week been so far? (or “The Good, The Bad & The Ugly”)

28 Days Later (2002)

Steve’s Vault pick this week is Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later.

Continue reading: 28 Days Later (2002)

This one goes out to all The Crazies out there

We’re back and this week we’ve got a review of The Crazies and special guest Heather from Movie Mobsters.

Continue reading: This one goes out to all The Crazies out there

Zombieland Review Video

Our video review of Zombieland finds us in high spirits as we discuss all the things that this rom-zom does right, and all the things that At The Movies does wrong. While the romantic sub-plot might have felt a little more tacked on than it was in Shaun of the Dead (which was more

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