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I Accidentally Watched Season One of Mad Men

Hello Internet, Its been a very long time since we last met. I almost forgot how to find you. I can make excuses for my absence, say I was too busy, blame Steve for moving, recount you with the tale of my abduction and imprisonment by radical anti-television anarchists, but truth be told, I was just being lazy. I just never felt like sharing my thoughts and opinions on film and TV anymore. I took some time and just went back to basics, where it was all about the experience and event and not about recapping that event for you.  Then a funny thing happened; I watched season one of Mad Men on Netflix, and I liked it.

Those of you who are familiar with Steve and I and our much celebrated but woefully under appreciated radio show (R.I.P) know that we both made statements about Mad Men and how we just didn’t like it. I tried to watch it before but it just never gelled for me. I found it boring and slow and pointless. When you put it up against AMC’s other juggernaut, Breaking Bad, it was a  no contest. There is a reason why Bryan Cranston won 3 emmys in a row. Its just that good. Mad Men never had that for me. Until now.

I will admit it, I am a big proponent of Netflix. Yes the selection is not as great as it could be and one day will be. But honestly, you do have access to HUNDREDS of movies that stream instantly to your TV. And the quality is nothing to sneeze at.  Just give it time. Now every time I logged in and flicked around trying to find something to watch, Mad Men would be starting at me. It was like it was following me around, “hey, why not try us again? please? we promise you will like us this time” and yet I kept avoiding it. I would rather watch a movie I had already seen then give it a shot. The a funny thing happened. I found out that Jon Hamm is fucking hilarious.

Anyone who has seen Ham host SNL knows that he can hold his own on the sketch show, not an easy task since SNL’s writing mostly sucks (more on that another time) but it wasn’t until his turn in this summer’s funniest movie Bridesmaids and his 15 sec cameo in the live 30 rock that cemented his status as funniest handsome man on TV (sorry Alec Baldwin) . That made me think, maybe Mad Men is actually a comedy, the only thing is they don’t know it.

So with much dread and hesitation I dove back in to season 1 of Mad Men. And after the initial phase of getting accustomed  to the show again, I actually quite liked it. Yes the detail is amazing, from the clothes to the furniture to the attitudes towards women. And the acting is top notch, you feel for Peggy, want to have a drink with Don and you want to punch Pete in his annoying little nose.  It is a solid show from to bottom. I get it. okay? I get why people get so worked up when you say you don’t like it. Its that kind of show. And I am sorry internet, sorry that I ever doubted your opinions and sorry that I have been away for so long.  Now get me a scotch and cigarette and if my wife calls, tell her I am in a meeting okay?




p.s. realizing that the lovely Allison Brie would be making random appearances throughout the season was also a selling point.

4 comments to I Accidentally Watched Season One of Mad Men

  • The thing is with season 1, what keeps you watching isn’t so much of the story but more the stunning context – the time period simply looks and feels wonderful. Season 2 has better stories and then you are hooked. Glad you have joined the train!

  • Who are you and what have you done with the real Brian? The very fact that you’ve posted something at all proves to me that you couldn’t possibly be Brian. But let’s say, for the sake of argument, that you are the real Brian (if there is such a thing): are you telling me that you were able to make your way through the first season because you watched it as a comedy, or more precisely “a joke”?

  • Bryan

    Yes Steven I am the real Bryan. I find it amazing that you would doubt my existence, its not like I am a self aware computer or anything, living in a climate controlled room in a top secret facility outside of Flagstaff, Arizona. That seems ridiculous, right?
    In answer to your query, I went into watching Mad Man, hoping it would be a joke but ultimately found it to be a well crafted and strongly executed period piece (lets not kid ourselves, that’s what it is)
    I look forward to engaging with you on these topics in the future.

  • I can honestly say that I have never seen an episode of Mad Men. The cinematography and art direction look fantastic, but it always had the appearance of an elegant soap opera. Maybe I’ll give it a try on Netflix, too.

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