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Top 5 Fridays | Fall Movie Season

Okay, I have to apologize for this post off the top. My week has been preoccupied with Call of Duty: Black Ops. It was released on tuesday and I got too excited and picked up a copy. Was it worth it? Yes and no. I was hoping the game was going to be a worthy successor to Modern Warfare 2, picking up and playing off its strengths. It is not related to it in any way other then by title. I was a little disappointed but at the same time, its a Call of Duty game, so its tons of fucking fun. So much fun that I end up dreaming in first person shooter perspective. And it ruins my day. So here I am putting together a list of the top 5 movies that I am looking forward to seeing this fall season.

5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (Nov. 19) 

This is on my list because I have never seen a Harry Potter movie in the theatre before. In fact I have never saw the movies until early this year. I had no interest in them after the first one, but since every reasonable person I have talked too loves them, I decided to get on board. They were great. So now I am going to dress up as a wizard and wait in line at midnight on Thursday to see part one of the finale of this series. (Okay, I probably won’t do that, but it would have been fun)

4. The King’s Speech (Nov. 24) 

This is a movie that will probably start in very limited release and by christmas will be very talked about and be receiving a lot of oscar buzz. Why? because it is an historical drama, based on british royalty and it stars Colin Firth. Firth absolutely killed it last year in A Single Man, and if it wasn’t for Jeff Bridges and Crazy Heart, Firth would have walked away with the best actor oscar. He is that good. This is the story of the father of Queen Elizabeth II and his dealings with becoming king and dealing with his speech problems. The cast is top notch and I am sure it will be worth seeing.

3. Black Swan (Dec. 3)

There are a handful of directors working right now that get a pass on whatever they do. And by that, I mean I will go see their movies regardless of subject matter, length, or critical reception. Darren Aronofsky is one of those directors. His next film stars Natalie Portman as a ballerina up for the lead role in Swan Lake. She has some competition in Mila Kunis and it looks awesome. It looks dark and sexy and everything you want in an Aronofsky film.

2. Tron : Legacy (Dec. 17) 

This was a toss up with number one. It really could have gone either way. This is a sequel 28 years later. The original is beloved by many. I have seen it but I don’t go apeshit for it. But this movie looks like it could be great and visually stunning. Plus it has Daft Punk scoring the film and they seem like the best choice for this film. The music that I have heard so far is great and it seems to add to the mood of the film. The hype surrounding this movie is becoming huge and hopefully it can live up to the hype.

1. True Grit (Dec 22)

This could be the crowning jewel in an otherwise stellar career of film making by the Coen Brothers. Only they could take a classic John Wayne western and adapt it for the audiences of the 21st century. Jeff Bridges, Josh Brolin, Matt Damon and our boy, Barry Pepper star in this soon to be classic film. I unfortunately have never seen the original and I am sure to watch it after I see this version. I don’t want to go into it with any preconceived notions. I also don’t want to making comparisons to the original as I watch it. I hate doing that. But I am sure to love this.

1 comment to Top 5 Fridays | Fall Movie Season

  • Dan

    Can’t wait for Harry Potter. Warners have kept us waiting and waiting but finally it has arrived!

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