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Han Solo in 3D!

Grab your red & green anaglyph 3 glasses (I’ve got 4 pairs stashed in a my copy of Coraline) and treat yourself to this Star Wars fan film starring Han Solo and Chewie on a prequel smuggling mission. Forget that IG-88 wasn’t around back then, and forget that it doesn’t make a lot of sense for a droid to be smuggling goods to the Empire, and just let it all happen.

This little beauty of a fan film was created by Daniel Smith and won “Best Animation” in a Star Wars Fan Film Movie Challenge.

2 comments to Han Solo in 3D!

  • This was great!!! Dialogue goes right in line with Star Wars too. Is it sad that I felt this Han Solo gave a better performance than Mr. Ford?

    • More Han than Han? I love it!

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