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Have we got a Kick-Ass show for you!

We lay it on thick with TV talk this week with a chat about food shows, TMZ, Carson Daly and our Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts of the Fall TV season. But fear not, we’ve still got a review of Kick-Ass, our Vault retrospective on Matthew Vaughn’s movies, and shine a light on the trailers for Let Me In and Jackass 3D.

Also, for those of you who pay attention to the technical aspects of our podcast (Hatter, I’m looking in your direction) we’re trying something a little different this week, with our podcast as an M4A file with artwork and links and such in it. If it’s glitchy or annoying or whatever, let us know and we’ll set everything back to the way it was.


3 comments to Have we got a Kick-Ass show for you!

  • FYI – On the subway into work this morning, A woman leaned over and asked me who those two handsome dudes on my iPod display were.

  • Ah shucks! See, now I have to not only come up with some fresh puncs to go between segments, but also some new photos to show off our smiley faces. Mo’ tech, mo’ problems. ;)

  • Of course you do…I mean if you ignore that all-too-important demographic of peripheral-passers-by-on-a-Toronto-subway, you might as well just call it a day and pass the hours on your couch eating cereal in sweatpants.

    Great show by the by…gave me quite the urge to track down a copy of STARDUST, which I’d never had the slightest interest in before.

    PS – If you’re interested, fun times are afoot on my blog today.

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