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Hiiii-yah! Our Kung Faux Review is now Online!

Our review of Volume 1 of the groundbreaking Hip-Hop Kung-Fu mashup Kung Faux is now online for your viewing pleasure. It goes without saying that Steve is a huge fan, but Brian’s just not ready to give it any props.

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Kung Faux review

For the most part, television remains a world nearly devoid of risks and innovation. It is a place where the folks in charge do their best to play it safe out of fear of damaging their tenuous position at the top of the heap. So something as artistic as, say, Postmodernism would

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Welcome to the Cynical Blog!

Before I head off to bed after having been up for hours trying to figure out how to make this thing work, and after having spent a couple hours working on my written review for Kung Faux for Kung Fu revisionist Mic Neumann (can you tell I’m proud that that’s actually a chore?) I

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