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Sympathy for the President

Have you noticed that the latest TV spots for W. have taken a far more conciliatory tone than the original trailers?


My understanding from reviews is that the movie was actually pretty sympathetic to Bush’s legacy, but the original trailers must have dug up all of the bits that poked fun at him and blasted them out all at once. Not a very original tactic, and certainly understandable given way the public at large was feeling about him. But now that he’s gone and the word is out that the movie isn’t as mean as people might have hoped (especially given Oliver Stone’s track record) it’s time to try a whole other tactic.

It’s unlikely that all the smug Obama supporters out there will be flocking to the video store to get a memento of 8 years they’d much rather forget. So who does that leave? The sad, silent minority who felt that if Bush had just a little more time, he’d get everything straightened out. So all they do is they remove the David Byrne music and replace of with something inspirational (maybe Howard Shore?) and find some of the more impressive lines from the film and PRESTO! It’s like you’re selling a whole new movie to an entirely different crowd.

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