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Man, I Love Films!

I have come to what some might call a “crossroads” in my life, I call it something more like “a train wreck”. Having shut down the Film Cynics on the radio and moved all the way across the country, my life has taken on a completely different shape from what it once was when I was able to sit at work and write a post or two a day, or spend my nights in front of a TV set, watching movies or TV shows. As such, my ability to do Film Cynics stuff has been compromised, preventing me from being able to post stuff up as regularly as I used to, not to say that I won’t be posting at all. (I’ve actually been stepping up my game on if you wanna check that out.)

In the meantime though, I’ve been invited to take part in a new venture where I can write in a more limited capacity, but still contribute to a robust discussion about movies, TV and pop-culture. It’s called Man, I Love Films and it’s a website founded by two colleagues of mine who have decided to up their movie blogging to the next level. Dylan, formerly of Blog Cabins and founder of the LAMB, and Kai, formerly of The List and creator of the MILFcast, have put together something really special and I think you should all drop by and check it out. With a veritable rogues’ gallery of contributing writers from all walks of life (even the mid-30′s married father-of-two set) concocting a great marketplace of discussion and ideas about movies.

I hoper you’ll drop by to check it out, and check out my weekly Vault Review column every Saturday, starting with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

7 comments to Man, I Love Films!

  • Kaiderman

    What’s wrong with a mid 30s father of two type writer? :)

    • So long as you own at least 3 superhero t-shirts, nothing!

  • Hope all is well Steve! I will keep checking your posts both here and Man I love film.

    • Cheers, Castor! And thanks! I make it sound a little grave, but I’m essentially just in the middle of a major life remodeling. Always been great to know I’ve had you in my corner!

  • Dylan

    How ’bout a mid-30s married father of one type? Close enough?

    Great to have ya, Steve. Looking forward to some sweet, sweet Vault picks.

    • Yer almost there, buddy! Keep reaching for that brass ring!

      Great to be aboard! I got something g special for this weekend that I’ve been cultivating for a long time. Not often that I do a Vault pick for something I only have on VHS…

  • Consumer Protection BC

    Cool! I’ll check out the new site.

    Tatiana @ Consumer Protection BC

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