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The Oscars, penultimately

Yes, I recognize the futility of putting up our Oscar preview as a podcast the day after the Oscars, but this is our second last show and there is nothing we say here that doesn’t still apply. Double negatives aside, this is a great chance to talk about a lot of great films and prove that we really know what we’re talking about when we pick a winner.

  1. (0:00) After getting the usual pleasantries out of the way, we dive right in to Oscar talk by sizing up the nominees for Best Actor.
  2. (11:13) We run down the list of Best Actress nominees, followed by the Best Supporting Actor nominees.
  3. (20:51) We display some showmanship by holding off on Best Picture talk and discuss Best Supporting Actor, followed by the nominees for Best Animated Feature.
  4. (28:00) Too caught up in the moment, we skip Best Director and head straight for Best Picture and all of its 10 hopefuls.
  5. (37:52) Brian unleashes Freaks & Geeks from the Vault, followed by Steve with The Godfather Part II. For trailers, we’ve got The Hangover 2 and Bad Teacher, both with the possibility for hilarity.

And yes, for those of you following along at home, we will be shutting down our show after next week for the foreseeable future. I’m heading out to Ontario to pursue new career opportunities, but I won’t be shutting down the site and definitely won’t be calling an end to my love of movies, TV and pop-culture.


5 comments to The Oscars, penultimately

  • So jealous, though – you get to join the world-renown Toronto Movie Blogger Pub Night Club (I’m assuming you will at some point). Sounds like a blast!

    Still, sad days. I’ll have to move to Vancouver to help with Brian’s loss…

    • Thanks Fletch! There is no way I could have guessed that this project would play out like this. I’m still trying to figure out what comes next, but yeah, I’m looking forward to reaping the movie benefits of being in the centre of the Universe.

    • Speaking of which: I just realized I’ll be able to catch Sucker Punch in IMAX when it comes out this month. Score!

  • I’m very sorry to hear you guys are shutting up shop. You guys made me doubt when Will Smith observed that “this sh!t just got real.” It was always real.

    As for the Oscars, fairly banal in the major categories, but I’m glad that Inception got the same number of wins as The King’s Speech. Couldn’t have called that.

    • Thanks Darren. And thanks for being part of the experience!

      I’m glad that Inception made a mark on the Oscars. It would have been a crime if it had gone unrecognized in any category. It was too smart to win the big prize, but had the chops to pull in the prizes for craft.

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