
Total Film's 600 Movie Blogs You Might Have Missed




Thanks for Sorting it Out!

Thanks to everyone who watched my little video and offered up their suggestions for how to organize the ol’ movie collection. I’ve gone through everyone’s comments and assembled my favourites and then run them through a random number generator to come up with three winners. Congrats go out to Colleen for scoring a It’s Kind of a Funny Story screener, Tash for claiming the Rocky Undisputed Collection on blu-ray, and to Fletch for his barely used screener of The Social Network. In a way though, we’re all winners, if by “we” I mean “me” and by “winner” I mean “DVD collector”.

2 comments to Thanks for Sorting it Out!

  • Congrats to the winners! :)

  • Woo hoo! My pleasure, and thanks!

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