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Withnail & I hit The Social Network like Piranhas

We’ve got our first DVD review upset on the show this week as The Social Network squares off against Piranha. Plus we’ve got a special Super Vault review, a pair of cool trailers for middling movies and plenty to gush about with the announcement of Star Wars coming to blu-ray.

  1. It’s the elephant in the room and you better believe we’re talking about it. Star Wars has finally been announced for release on blu-ray in September of 2012. As if we’ve been holding our breath since 1977, we finally let all that pent up anticipation come bursting out all over the radio.
  2. The Social Network made a lot of “best of 2010″ lists, but Steve was never sold on it. Can the DVD deliver the goods to turn him around on the issue and click “Like”?
  3. It’s the unlikeliest of contenders, but Piranha could be the best reviewed film so far this year – regardless of whether this is our second show of the year, that’s a big deal.
  4. We’ve got a Super Vault title this week in the form of the cult classic Withnail & I. Can the DVD rerelease convert us, or is this a classic best left on someone else’s shelf?
  5. For our selection of trailers this week we have two films unlikely to make any best of lists, but should make for good watching anyway. Brian’s found something to soothe his Portman addiction with No Strings Attached and Steve thinks Ben Foster could teach Jason Statham a thing or two in The Mechanic.

4 comments to Withnail & I hit The Social Network like Piranhas

  • You’re not sold on Social Network eh Steve? Oh well, I like it but I won’t try to change your mind. It’s not like EVERYONE must agree with the critics.

    Y’know, every time I see a preview of The Mechanics I’m reminded again how much I’ve grown to loathe Statham. I REALLY like him in Transporter, even bought the dvd! Frank Martin is just the coolest guy since Bond. But after a slew of bombs, especially Expendables, I think I’m through with him. Oh Ben, what in the world are you doing in that flick? Such a waste of talent.

    • I stretched myself out enough saying that the DVD was a worthy purchase even if I didn’t enjoy the film. There was just too much yak yak yak yak yak – as is to be expected from an Aaron Sorkin script. Perhaps that style is well suited to the subject matter, but I got my fill of it long ago with The West Wing.

      I still have a soft spot for Statham, not enough of one to like his total garbage films, but I generally consider his presence in a movie to be a positive thing rather than as a liability. I really believe that Ben Foster is ending his term in the Hollywood farm system – he’s ready to move into the big time, just needs the right role to make best use of his gifts. He would have made an awesome Wolverine – would have been the right height too.

  • Great episode gentlemen – and damn those Canucks for making go without for a whole week!

    Some thoughts…

    I’ve bought the STAR WARS films twice over now (VHS & DVD). I’ll be damned if I’m buying it a third time. George Lucas needs more of my money like I need a hole in my head.

    I’m still not on board with this whole NETWORK/KANE analogy that started making the rounds in the fall and that Steve tapped into here. A lot of it comes down to how the empires were built, how Charles & mark got to where they are when their stories end, and the selfishness of their actions.

    But as I mentioned, I’m working on a post about all of that so stay tuned. Long story short: Steve is wrong.

    While PIRANNAH isn’t exactly my speed, I did get a grin when I discovered that Richard Dreyfuss shows up and the song “Show Me The Way to Go Home” is playing on his radio.

    Last but not least, I’ll spot you PANIC ROOM…but Fincher’s last two films might be his most overlooked by the audience at large. I task you to watch BUTTON and especially ZODIAC again. There’s a lot to love in each film.

    • I didn’t even know we were being pre-empted until Brian told me just before the show. I should never turn my back on those scheming ‘Nucks…

      Staying away from Star Wars sounds like the prudent and practical thing to do, I don’t know if I can hold myself to that though. I mean, being who I am, if there was one box set that I would buy if every single movie saga was available, Star Wars would have to be at the top of my list. It’s the first movie I remember seeing, and it’ll be the movie I die watching, choking on honey-mustard pretzel bite.

      I don’t think we’ve had adequate face or voice time to really air out this Kane/Network issue – but we should always reserve the right to be Kings and Queens of our particular fiefdoms. I await your posting so that I may nibble away at it…

      I didn’t pick up on the whistling in Piranha, but I suppose I should have. I was taken aback enough by the movie’s “intertextuality” in a film that was supposed to be so crass, that I didn’t even bother to check how in depth the reference was. Well done!

      I am the “proud” owner of Button on blu-ray, although the chances of watching it again soon are slim. As for Zodiac – perhaps I could take it in as a double feature with the other Zodiac killer movie they made… whose name eludes me now. Regardless – Fincher is off my Christmas card list, although he can be redeemed, unlike other xmas card reject M Night Shyamalan.

      Always great to have you aboard, Hatter. I look forward to a chance to visit the Matineecast cast someday.

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