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Top 5 Fridays :: 2011 Movie Releases

What kind of movie blogger would I be if I didn’t start of the year with some sort of top movies of XXXX type of list. I was really hoping to have my top 5 of 2010 ready to go, but due to moving and work and the holidays I haven’t had time to see either True Grit or the Fighter. Not that they are guaranteed a spot on my list but I don’t want to preemptively make a list and then have to go back and ad addendums to it. That just seems like a lot of work. Lord knows I hate that. (Be quite Steve). So here is to the future and what is to come and by the looks of it, could be a year of really fun movies. My top 5 films of 2011 that I am hoping won’t suck.

5. The Green Hornet – Jan. 14

I have been a fan of Michel Gondry for years and will watch anything that he does. Now that he finally gets a chance to entertain the masses and not just the nerds at the video stores I hope he pulls out all the stops. I am not familiar with the  Green Hornet but I don’t think that will matter. This just looks like a fun time. Thank god it opens next week.

4. The Hangover 2 – May 26

Is this sequel needed? Probably not. Will it be funny? I fucking hope so. The biggest sleeper hit of the past couple years was the original Hangover. At first the public was skeptical of a movie with this cast but slowly as word of mouth spread and the masses realized that a genuinely hilarious movie was made, it got the attention it deserved. I remember seeing it and losing my shit when the closing credit sequence ran. Quite possibly the funniest credits ever. Genius move to leave the audience in stitches. I hope this movie is half as funny and twice as original.

3. Cowboys and Aliens – July 29

This is a movie that should have a better title. Each time I have seen the trailer in the theatre the general audience gets all excited when they see mega cool Daniel Craig, then even a tich more excited when Han Solo appears. Once Craig shoots down the alien the crowd is hooked. Then the title card comes up and everyone groans. Really? Is this some sort of joke? WTF? Murmur Murmur… Shut the FUCK UP THE MOVIE IS STARTING. I GET IT, THE TITLE SUCKS, NOW TURN OFF YOUR PHONE AND PAY ATTENTION YOU MINDLESS WASTES OF AN ADMISSION TICKET!! Sorry. That has been building up for a while now and was only heightened by the holiday movie crowd. Title or not, this movie should rule.

2. Sucker Punch – March 25

Zack Snyder is one of the best visualizers working today. You may or may not like his stories but you would be hard pressed to argue that they don’t look fucking amazing. When I first saw this trailer I had my mid slightly blown. Then when I saw the extended trailer in the theatre, fully blown. I still don’t really know what it is about and that is even after talking to one of the films assistant directors. I am not sure she even knew at the time. It just looks like nothing else  and that is a great thing.

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II – July 15

I lost my Potter virginity with Deathly Hallows Pt 1. And by that I mean it was the first HP movie that I saw in the theatre. And I just absolutely loved it. It was funny and serious and sad and everything all at the same time. But it didn’t feel like its own movie. It needed an ending and I wanted to see Pt 2 right then and there. So now I am going to end up in a midnight lineup on July 14th with a lightning bolt drawn on my forehead with eyeliner. And you know what? Who cares? It will be worth it.

6 comments to Top 5 Fridays :: 2011 Movie Releases

  • I want to see 3-5 on your list. I fell out of love with the Harry Potter movies after the fourth.

  • I’m not surprised to see that your list is comics-adaptations heavy. I do look forward to most of those movies except for Harry Potter (I have yet to see one movie in the franchise).

  • No Thor? No Green Lantern? Say it ain’t so. :) But, yeah, everything on your list looks pretty good, except I’m not sold on Green Hornet yet.

  • I only agree with #1 and 3 on your list. The rest I’m not even sure I want to see on dvd.

  • Guy

    I have to disagree. “Cowboys and Aliens” Is the best damn movie title I’ve ever heard of. Sounds like the old days when the producer approached the studio: “Good morning Sir. It’s got Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig and the hot chick from House, and it’s also got Cowboys and it’s got Aliens”.

    And Boooo! to the Harry Potter knockers – the series has been fun as! You’re missing out.

    • Yeah, not quite as descriptive as Snakes on a Plane, but it’ll still be delivering what it promises.

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