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Martin Scorsese Collection review video

It’s a bit of a paradox. Brian, Steve and The Mad Hatter all love Scorsese’s work, and we own most of the movies in this latest collection of films, but we can’t seem to bring ourselves to endorsing picking up this latest edition of the Martin Scorsese Collection. Check out this video from last weekend’s show.

7 comments to Martin Scorsese Collection review video

  • Nice show guys! I wish I got your station in the states.

  • The worst thing about collections like these, more so in cases where it’s 5 or more films, but when you own a couple of them and it’s cheaper for you to buy the entire set than buy the next group of films individually. I still contemplate if I should just go ahead and buy the Kurosawa 25 from Criterion or keep piling even though I own about 6 or 7 of the films in the collection.

    I suppose you could give away the old films, but I’m odd when it comes to keeping movies – especially if it’s one I have a sentimental attachment too (gift, timing, etc.).

    • There’s nothing odd about that. Discarding movies is sacriledge… except in a couple very rare circumstances. And getting rid of movies that you got as a gift from someone – that’s like ultra-regifting, and nobody likes a regifter.

      I just took delivery of the Terry Gilliam boxset and the Coen Brothers boxset in advance of a special segment we’re doing in a couple weeks – and it was so strange. In my hands I held piles of movie awesomeness, but I could care less, considering everything of theirs that was worth owning, I already own. Has my thirst for movies collapsed in on itself? Well, I dunno about that – I do know that our upcoming “Battle of the Boxsets” is gonna be super badass.

  • This makes me think that this was packaged by a marketing exec who doesn’t even know who Scorsese aside from name.

    Personally I’d like 3 separate titles (so if I did already own one I could sell the extraneous copy) would be up may alley. But worse than anything is that, like you mentioned, there’s no theme and these aren’t even his best movies. They’re Oscar contenders and winners sure but even that’s not advertised in the packaging. Were they his 3 highest grossing films? Criteria for this package is weird…

    Great show though, love the bits from Hatter (hey I know that guy too) and I’m totally impressed guys. Totally:)

    • Yeah, that was the key that I neglected to look into when we did this review: These are just titles that Warner owns. To get a theme going, you’d probably have to do some studio haggling, and that takes time and effort. Like if we wanted a proper DiCaprio/Scorsese set, we’d need to talk to Miramax for Gangs of New York and then Paramount for Shutter Island. Themes cost money, I suppose.

      Thanks Marc! Your turn is coming soon… be afraid!

  • Makes sense since nobody does anything without trying to make a buck on it.

    But cool, a guest spot on The Cynics. Woo Hoo…I just need a better mic first; my guest podcasts have come out terrible. Let me know:)

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