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Top 5 Fridays :: Movies I Should See But Haven’t

This week I was spending copious amounts of time in the DVD section of HMV and I came to the realization that there are a lot of movies out there that for whatever reason, I haven’t seen. But I should. When you spend as much time as I do watching movies and TV, there is no real reason for missing some of these films. Other then being lazy. Or ill informed. Or both. So here are the top 5 movies that I must see before the end of the year. (The deadline is self imposed and arbitrary) I also did pick up one of them this week on Blu Ray. Can you guess which one?

5. The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

This is one that still continues to slip by me. I saw part one and loved it. I even saw part 2 and thought it was cool. How can I possibly explain why I missed part 3? I can’t. I just missed it when it came out and never felt the rush to see it. Maybe I heard bad things about it, and didn’t want my Matrix memories ruined by an inferior sequel. Am I right in believing this? Should I see this film?

4. Life is Beautiful (1997)

Apparently Roberto Begnini is an Academy Award wining actor. I wouldn’t know since I have never seen him act in anything, ever. I was well aware of all the hype surrounding the film. I worked in a fucking video store at the time and could have gotten the movie FOR FREE. Still I never watched it. The only thing I remember is that when Roberto won the Oscar he climbed on the seats. That was cool. I was happy for him. Is my life better or worse for not having seen this film?

3. Dark City (1998)

This movie has not ever existed on my radar. Ever. I think Steve has tried to talk to me about it once and even let me hold the case in my hands, but I put it back and probably picked up “Road Trip” instead. I like the work of Alex Proyas (The Crow, I,Robot) and I think William Hurt is constantly awesome in everything he does. Maybe its the pre-24 Kiefer Sutherland, or the young Jennifer Connelly that turned me away. Maybe I didn’t like Rufus Sewell’s hair on the cover. Whatever the reason I am not sure if this is a movie that will ever grace my screen.

2. The Pianist (2002)

I think I may have an aversion to Oscar winning movies. I am a fan of Adrien Brody (The Jacket, The Brothers Bloom) and I think he always gives a strong performance in whatever role he is given. I heard a lot about his work in this movie and the fact that is directed by Roman Polanski should have made this a no brainer. Love him or hate him, Polanski can make some great films and that alone should be enough of a reason to see it. Maybe I don’t like overtly sad movies and maybe I was just burnt out on holocaust movies. Man, my choice of movies that I have missed have not painted me in a good light, but I will let you know that is not the case. I do like Oscar winning films.

1. Titanic (1997)

Now this movie I have a reason to never have seen. I have purposely boycotted this film ever since it was released in the theatre. I got my feathers up over the fact that James Cameron would spend over 200 million dollars to make a movie about the sinking of a boat. And its 3 hours long. Give me a break. I thought it was a colossal waste of time and money and that the studio could have spent that money and made 4 to 5 really great little films, instead of one giant suck hole of a movie. I also partially blame Leonardo DiCaprio for this. This movie was the peak of his “Teen Idol” phase and legions of idiot girls would pack the theatre, regardless of the quality of the film. Thank god he has moved beyond that and is now one of the best actors working in film today. This is the one movie I am regretting putting it on this list, now it means I have to watch it. Fuck Me.

6 comments to Top 5 Fridays :: Movies I Should See But Haven’t

  • I would say skip #5 but you can’t call yourself a true movie aficionados if you haven’t seen the other four ;)

    - Titanic: It’s the 2nd highest grossing movie of all time!!!
    - Dark City: Some sci-fi awesomeness that clearly influenced all the other sci-fis that came afterward (cough* The Matrix COUGH)
    - The Pianist: A great WWII film about surviving the Nazi persecution as a Jew in Warsaw, Poland
    - Life is Beautiful: A funny, moving, bittersweet and all-around wonderful story. I should see this again myself.

  • You’ve got me wondering if you saw the new page I added here with all the movies I have to see on it. The Pianist was already there, and I guess I have no choice but to add Life is Beautiful to it as well. As for The Matrix Revolutions, it’s the weakest in the family, but you won’t know that for yourself until you see and close up The Matrix saga… although, I’m thinking you should check out The Animatrix if you’re looking to round out the viewing.

    We were speaking about Dark City just this week, so I’ll leave that one aside. And as for Titanic, I think it’ll be interesting to watch it now that Winslet and DiCaprio are now very well established. You can see through all the teen idol hype garbage and watch for what could be genuinely great performances. Exciting!

  • I guess I’m not a true movie aficionado, either. I’ve not seen #4 or #2.

    Skip the 3rd Matrix. You ain’t missing much, and it’ll only taint your impression of the first two (just like the 2nd taints the 1st).

    Dark City is the one I’d say to watch. I don’t exactly love it, but it’s a pretty cool head scratcher and has some sweet visuals. Connelly ain’t exactly all that young in it – thought that was a weird comment.

    I’d like to see The Pianist, and it’s on NWI, so it’s only a matter of time. Never had much of an interest in Life is Beautiful.

    Sure, see Titanic. It’s not the best movie ever, but it’s a spectacle, of course, and with you being a geek who probably has a sweet home theater, it’ll play nicely for you. And Winslet gets naked (and looks good here), so that’s a bonus, too. Besides, you don’t get too many chances to see Billy Zane act these days…

  • 5. Matrix Revolutions:
    This one is definitely the weakest link in the Matrix trilogy.

    4. Life Is Beautiful:
    Although one might wonder if there’s an ounce of realism in it, the film is a good mix of drama and comedy. In fact, with strong performances from the leading actors, the film shows in a somehow credible way how someone tries to pretend to a child how life is beautiful in the midst of a terrible event.

    3. Dark City:
    Not interested, but will watch it eventually.

    2. The Pianist:
    I found it too boring because of its slow pace in high school. I’ll give it another chance eventually.

    1. Titanic:
    The film is a little bit corny because the topic of class (or any other motives) difference combined with forbidden love are not new. Without being a diamond in the rough, Titanic is very easy to appreciate because of the nice chemistry between Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Moreover, as Fletch eloquently pointed it out, the part when Jack draws a portrait of Rose lying on a couch is an added bonus.

  • I haven’t seen #5 & 2, but I’m gonna go with Castor’s advice and avoid #5. See Dark City, it’s a cult favorite and one of Rufus Sewell’s best work. Some even said Nolan was influenced a bit by Dark City when he made Inception.

    Goodness gracious, check out Titanic already. You might not LOVE it, but it’s definitely worth watching even for the spectacular special effects on it.

  • The Matrix Revolutions was an alright movie. I think I have only seen it once, and I barely remember it. So yes, it’s the worst of the series.

    I think I saw parts of Life is Beauitful and The Pianist a while ago, so I don’t really remember either. But I definitely want to see Life is Beautiful as well.

    I’ve never seen Dark City. But I remember always being intrigued by the VHS cover when I was a little kid at Blockbuster! :)

    And of course, Titanic! I hope the movie is better than you expect it to be, Brian. Haha.

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