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Top 5 Fridays :: The Best of The Film Cynics

Every so often you have to take a step back and look at yourself in the mirror and go “Damn, I am good”. I only do that in the three following situations;  My birthday, after sex, and when I kill a spider (once I even accomplished the trifecta, but I won’t go into details here)  It is the two year anniversary of the creation of The Film Cynics website and under Steve’s order I have to toot our collective horn and talk about “us” for a while. So I thought what better place to do this then in our weekly Top 5 list. So in no real particular order but for the sake of lists I will number them 5 through 1, are my favorite posts that we have created over the past little while. Enjoy.

5. During the Break :: Brian out-douches A.O. Scott – For a long time we were videotaping our radio show. We were then taking those radio shows, transcribing them and turning them into an off Broadway musical. During the breaks of the show is when things get good, we let our guard down and just talk. Adam our trusted documentarian would keep rolling and I generally would forget that he was there. This bit of tape caused quite a debate between us, who was right, how wrong was Steve, etc.  I still get a kick out of it and think that I will forever be right.

4. 10 Most Important shows of the Decade – Its not that often that Steve writes about TV. I tend to watch more TV then movies, while Steve watches movies and spends time with his family and raises his kids (yawn!!) So when posts like these occur I relish them and enjoy the reassurance that he knows what he is talking about. I don’t always agree with him and don’t understand why he doesn’t like Justified or any of the other great shows that I am watching right now but at least he tries.

3. Top 5 Fridays :: Arrested Development Guest Stars - I was quite proud of my self for writing this. And it didn’t get the response I was hoping for  from all of our friends on the internet. So in another moment of pure self satisfaction I am saying that this is the 3rd best moment in The Film Cynics history. Don’t believe me? take a read. Still don’t believe me? Watch every episode of AD 10 to 15 times like I have and then try to disprove my list. It’s solid. Like selling beads.

2. Community :: “Modern Warfare” I still stand by this post. I have re-watched this episode again and again and it still is great. Everything about it is perfect and the reason why this show should have be nominated for an emmy, instead of the still funny but purely resting on its laurels 30 rock. Watch it and then watch the one with the chicken strips (episode 21, “contemporary american poultry”) and you will see what I am talking about. So funny. So smart. So much better then The Office.

1. Desert Island DVDs - Now I know this post is in response to some poll or project put out by the minds over at Fandango Groovers but what I love about it is that you get to see the real Steve. For all his big words and fancy sayings he still can have some “odd” choices for favorite movies. But considering the work he has done to amass his movie collection and make it criticism proof, you can let the odd choice slide. Also this post got some of the best response to any post we have ever done and it helps make all this work seem somewhat validated. And for that, we thank you.

Even though its a few years old, this is still my all time favorite photo of Steve and I.


2 comments to Top 5 Fridays :: The Best of The Film Cynics

  • I love you, man.

  • Desert Island DVD’s was one of the most fun things I’ve done since I started Movie Mobsters. Andy is full of brilliant ideas.

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