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I have – a tale – to tell…

I know it goes against all common sense to write this down, but I have become obsessed with the idea of seeing At Close Range.

My wife recently picked up Madonna’s Immaculate Collection, which is an assembly of her greatest hits. She played it in the kitchen on Sunday afternoon and when came on, it hit me like a bolt of lightning in the brain. Suddenly I was flooded with memories of the music video – scenes with Chris Walken and Sean Penn and Madonna sitting on some backwards facing chair. Since then, I’ve had the song playing in my head over and over again – and it’s early Tuesday morning now. I’ve never thought I’d use the word “haunting” to describe a Madonna song, but here we are.

What’s odd is that I’ve never seen At Close Range, I’ve only ever had contact with the movie through Madonna’s music video (shudder). Did you know that there was never a soundtrack released for At Close Range? So that song is only available on Madonna’s albums. And did you know that At Close Range ranks a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes? I didn’t know either of those things until I looked them up today. Did you also know that At Close Range is on sale for a total bargain at Amazon? (No link for that one until they’re lining my pockets.) I’m gonna see if I can rub a couple of bucks together and order it up – I’m sure it’ll blow my wife away. Did you know that it’s one of the few movies I can think of that Sean Penn and Chris Penn are in together?

Anyways, now that I’ve vented a bit I think I might just be able to get some shuteye before rising and shining to bang on some networks’ and studios’ doors for our next round of reviews.

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