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During the Break | Pixar in Vancouver

This falls more under the category of business news, but considering Pixar is now going to be one of Brian’s actual neighbours, along with all the other bohemian actors living in Vancouver’s Gastown district, we thought it was worth a quick chat. In the process, Brian learns about the Pixar short collection that you can pick up all on one disc.

You can catch Brian and Steve on CFAX 1070 every Sunday afternoon at 3 pm PST.

4 comments to During the Break | Pixar in Vancouver

  • Jon

    Yes, he did say Bud Lightyear. *sigh*

    They won’t be making making the pre-feature shorts, but rather DVD extras content and small animated bits for theme park rides. All of the ancillary stuff that they don’t have time to make in Emeryville!

    ..but who knows, like you said, they may end up expanding and making features here!

    As an animator living in Vancouver this is really thrilling news.

  • I totally thought I imagined that! It’s a total Joe Quimby faux-pas.

    Thanks for the info on that – I’ll pass that along to our listeners circle up here. Do DVD extras include things like Jack Jack Attack or The Ghost Light? Could this mean they’ll start doing proper fake outtakes again? I miss that value-added stuff.

    Hope you can hook up some work there. Good luck.

  • Jonagain

    Yes, the “Cars-toons” are going to be made here, including the mater shorts, but most likely just the animation, not the “pre” work like storyboarding & voice recording. That will be sent here from PIXAR USA.
    I am not 100 percent sure of all of this mind you, I’m just going off of all the info I have gathered and my knowledge of the animation workflow.

    • Thanks Jon! Sounds corroborated enough to me. If we work somewhere above the level of rumour, that’s good enough for our “journalistic principles”.

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