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During the Break :: Talking about V

If you don’t have anything nice to say… say it during the break so you can really get your digs in on the pointlessly remade V.

You can catch Steve and Brian live every Sunday on CFAX 1070 on Sundays at 3 pm PST.

2 comments to During the Break :: Talking about V

  • Yeah. I think it has a “season pass” in our household (along with Caprica and Human Target) because we’re looking for a replacement for Lost and 24, but you’re right. Pointless. Utterly utterly pointless. And where are the freakin’ lizards? The miniseries laid that one on us on the first night, here we’re four episodes in (at Irish pace) and have only seen a bit of forehead. C’mon. It’s not even a surprise – we know it’s coming, they know it’s coming. So just get there already.

    • My opinions aren’t as strong as Brian’s because I completely left the show off my radar and concentrated my ire at Flashforward and the overacting of Joseph Fiennes. Human Target has worked for me, with the presence of Jackie Earle Haley and the fact that it’s a very old DC Comics property backing it up. V’s been trying to frame itself as some kind of messianic show, and all I’ve been hearing is that it still has its head stuck in the past. My surprise at the sound of mind control drugs in the vaccines wasn’t faked at all, I can’t believe they’re dragging out half-baked paranoia and passing it off as modern sci-fi. Lame!

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