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Conan vs. Leno – WWJDD (What would Jack Donaghy Do?)


There has been a lot talk of late regarding the goings on over at NBC late night. Unless you have been living under a rock or have a life outside of TV, you know that NBC’s prime time fiasco, The Jay Leno Show is done. After Feb. 12 it will no longer be on the air. NBC wants to move Jay back to 11:35 and push Conan to 12:05. Rightfully so, Conan O’Brien is having none of this and feels that The Tonight Show won’t work after midnight. He is effectively saying that he is done at NBC. Good on ya, Conan.

This whole scenario made Steve and I think, what would Jack Donaghy, the fictionalized Vice President of East Coast Television and Microwave Oven Programming on NBC’s 30 Rock do if he was in Jeff Zucker’s Position. Here are a few suggestions:

1. He would bring back the highly creative SeinfeldVision and just digitally place Jerry Seinfeld into the existing Jay Leno Show and hope that a fake Jerry is funnier then a real Leno.

2. Jack would cancel Leno entirely and in its place start airing the critically acclaimed MILF Island. (and subsequently cancel that after 4 seasons after the disastrous MILF Island: Seniors)

3.  Jack would lock himself, Leno and Conan in a room together and work out a deal that not only solved all the problems but would somehow allow NBC to retain rights to all content created on the show and 80 million dollars. How? I don’t know, he’s Jack Donaghy, he can do anything.

4. Tina Fey would be tasked with writing a new show on top of her TGS duties. For no money. And with no help. Well except Kenneth. But honestly, how much help is that really?

5. Dealbreakers anyone??????

6. Hopefully he would listen to the chatter on the net and let Leno go. I have yet to hear of any major support for him. And Donaghy knows what the people want. And it sounds like Conan, has the support of the nerds…I mean readers.

Unfortunately for us, Jack Donaghy is not real. But Jeff Zucker is. And that means Leno will continue to bore the pants off of late night TV with his “comedy” and Conan will leave. Hopefully not for too long and maybe he will even re-surface on a competing network (looking at you FOX) This is not something that NBC will live down. At least not for a long time.

6 comments to Conan vs. Leno – WWJDD (What would Jack Donaghy Do?)

  • I wish that Jack Donaghy was real. He wouldn’t royally fuck up like Jeff Zucker has done.

    P.S. Check my blog, because I have given you guys a prestigious award.

  • Thanks Branden, thats so cool. Like what you are doing over there and quite happy that you like what we do. I too wish that Jack was a real person. The world would be a better place? I guess we will just have to settle for Alec Baldwin and hope that he isn’t really “acting” in that role. Keep it up!!

    • That is so cool! There is no greater joy than being recognised for doing what you love… except perhaps the joy of getting free DVDs mailed to your door every month! Being a movie blogger is the best job ever!

  • I don’t get free DVDs in the mail. The hate is building up! No, not really. The only ones I get are screeners via LAMB.

    • The LAMB sends out screeners? And me with all my begging and pleading to the studios for no reason… You’re not working hard, you’re working smart!

  • [...] Conan vs. Leno – WWJDD (What would Jack Donaghy Do?) [...]

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