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Hamlet 2

I like to laugh. A lot. And this summer gave me some good times in the dark. 3 weeks ago it was Pineapple Express and that was a great chuckle. Then 2 weeks ago Tropic Thunder made me shake my head in disbelief at what I was seeing, smiling the whole time. And now this week, they both got trumped by the little film simply known as Hamlet 2. It is a simple story of a bad actor turned drama teacher, Dana Marschz, played brilliantly by the slightly under appreciated british comic genius, Steve Coogan, who in a misguided attempt to save the drama program decides it would be a great idea to write a sequel to Hamlet. Even though everyone dies in the end of the original. But he goes ahead anyways, and the jokes just keep coming. I don’t think I have laughed so consistently at a movie in a really long time. Everything Coogan says or does is funny. I don’t think he can help it. He is just that good. 

This is one of those movies that may or may not make it to a theatre near you. Its hard movie to market, evident by the high school aged crowd that I saw the movie with. I take it as either a sign of my age or advanced sense of humour, that when I laugh at the real joke, the young adults around me are laughing at what they see as funny, not what they hear. No better way to make a 17 year old laugh then to hit a girl in the head with a bucket. Comedy gold. It can almost make them stop talking or take a break from their popcorn eating race. I guess its a sign of a growing body when you can eat 3 large bags of popcorn in a 90 minute movie. Sarah and I shared a pop. AND WE FINISHED IT!!!

Steve Coogan is note perfect as the failed actor. He does desperation like McKellen does Macbeth. If you have ever seen Coogans work as Alan Partridge, you know what I mean. Someone with great dreams, no talent, and a bit of an attitude. Dana Marschz’s main critic is a 13 year old school paper scribe, who offers sage advice on his way to recess. Just one of the many odd and quirky characters that make up this cast. Always a standout is Catherine Keener as Coogans bitter, bitchy wife, and the triumphant? return of Elizabeth Shue as, well… Elizabeth Shue. I don’t know about you, but for some reason there is nothing funnier than when hollywood stars play themselves in movies, making fun of movies. Its one of the reasons I can’t wait to see Barry Levinsons new movie “What Just Happened” featuring Bruce Willis as, well… Bruce Willis.

So to sum it up. Hamlet 2, Funniest movie of the year. Steve Coogan, comedic genius. Elizabeth Shue, is Elizabeth Shue. Go see Hamlet 2.

1 comment to Hamlet 2

  • I could not stop laughing throughout. Your review is spot on, and Coogan was damn near perfect. As his life falls apart and this ridiculous play emerges, I can only say it succeeds through it’s incredible writing and wondrous performances. It’s one hell of a spectacle, and I’ll never hate anyone for putting Elizabeth Shue in anything. Loved this flick.

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