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Why Tracy Morgan isn’t funny

On Saturday night I got home and I turned on the TV. Hoping that SNL is new and not a repeat. To my shock, not only is it a repeat, it’s a repeat of the Tracy Morgan hosted episode, the worst episode of SNL I have ever seen. I should have just turned off the TV and poked out my eyes with a fork, because that would have been a lot more fun. But no, I thought I would give it a chance again, thinking that maybe I missed something the first time and would “get it” the second time. Boy was I wrong. The opening monologue was complete garbage and “the view” sketch was terrible. Not even the immense talents of Fred Armisen and Kristen Wiig could save it.

That leads me to this question? Is Tracy Morgan funny? Has he ever made you laugh? I know he is on “30 Rock” and a lot of people, my self included, consider that show to be genius. But I attribute that to Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin and the rest of the cast. If anything, Morgan just brings the show down a notch or two. I also question if Tracy Morgan is actually acting as Tracy Jordan or is he just reading his lines as himself? Or am I totally missing the point and he is actually a comedic genius like Andy Kaufmann and he wont be appreciated until he is dead. But judging from SNL, I think he is just really, REALLY lucky. This also gets me to thinking about what he must have over Loren Michaels and Tina Fey for that matter for him to get such great gigs. His spy photo catalogue must be huge, getting all these people to give him work, when the only job he seems qualified for is as one of those annoying street performers who exist solely off peoples spare change.

This brings me back to SNL. I watch the show religiously even though it is inconsistent at best. When its funny its some of the best sketch comedy on TV but unfortunately the funny only happens about 30 percent of the time. The only exception is the “Digital Short” which is the only thing that is truly genius and consistent in that show. I also really like it when former cast members come back to host the show. Its sort of like a stamp of approval that they have succeed outside of the world of SNL. Tina Fey was great when she got to host, I wish I could have said the same thing about Tracy. One of the fallbacks when a former cast member hosts is that they get to reprise all their classic characters. Unfortunately Tracy Morgan has NO CLASSIC CHARACTERS and the show was forced to trot out these failed attempts at humour that weren’t even close to being funny when they were original. I mean a Brian Fellows sketch? Really? After all these years I still don’t get why this is supposed to be funny? Is he retarded? or gay? or both? either way it never works. And Astronaut Jones? Really? I am beginning to think all the writes had the week off.  It was so painful. Please NBC, burn that tape. Never let it see the light of day again. I beg of you.

13 comments to Why Tracy Morgan isn’t funny

  • [...] Why Tracy Morgan isn’t funny [...]

  • Hroux

    I agree that Tracy Morgan is FAR from funny…BUT the fact that u actually liked SNL at a point in time [and the fact that u thought it is "great comedy"] makes me wanna shoot myself in the head! That show is anything but funny!!

  • Lisa

    Agree! I just googled “Tracy Morgan not funny” to see if anyone else agreed and had written about it. I just don’t understand why he gets so many good gigs because he is not funny to me AT ALL!

  • RDP

    Tracey Morgan is shit.

  • Big J

    Tracy morgan aint funny. Chris tuckers funny dave chapelles funny tracy morgan isnt.

  • joe watley

    I agree, I can’t watch 30 rock because of him. I think he is a deeply disturbed messed up person who somehow made it into comedy. Not funny at all

  • BB

    Lol..I actually looked up “Tracy Morgan is not funny” as well, and found this site. He’s terrible! His stand-up comedy is offensive, he sucked on Saturday night live, and all his movies have been crap. Why does this guy keep getting work?? I have friends that are funnier than him, hell, I’m funnier than him. Where’s my show?

  • MDP

    I also googled ‘Tracy Morgan Not Funny’. A good description but I was also looking for a bit more analytical explanation. There are definitive reasons why he isn’t funny due to overly conscious delivery, poor (slow) timing, and the fact that he looks like a robot is controlling his speech whenever he delivers a line. I’m glad you took the time to bring this up though as I have never had a laugh watching him on SNL or 30 Rock. I don’t think he has anything on Tina or Loren, I just think he got in early with that small crowd and just kind of hung around enough to get included.

  • Dave

    I’m sure glad you people agree with me that Morgan is not funny. Not only is he NOT funny I think he is not a very nice person.

  • Jeffrey

    I’m so annoyed at tracy morgan being on the show 30 rock… I’m totally in love with tina fey and i think alec baldwin is spectacular, but seriously… this guy has no talent. I wish someone would delete all the tracy morgan parts on 30 rock and upload it so i could watch it and enjoy it fullheartedly.

    • rekard

      i couldn’t agree more. WTF does tina see in him?

  • I googled it too!
    I also feel he definitely is not funny. His jokes are designed to appeal to the masses, one person finds it somewhat laughable, their friends laugh too, as to not to seem rude, and non-conformative….and baboom! You got yourself a hit. I usually don’t like anything that appeals to the general population…as it usually requires little critical thinking, and a lot of pointless emotion. Tracy’s writers know this. They know that Americans care not for quality, but for quantity…..why do you think McDonalds is so popular?

  • rekard

    I remember one skit on snl where tm was funny. ( where he spanks shaquille o’neal) but that would been hard to fuck up. other than that he is the least funny person ever to be on snl (including charles rocket) or any show on tv for that matter. what puzzles me is what lorne ever saw in him. or tina fey now for putting him in, and ruining 30 rock. i’d say he’s neck and neck with dane cook for worst comedian of all time.

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