I know this is not directly movie or TV related but after experiencing this for myself I felt I had to share it with all of you. Arcade Fire, the most important band to come out of Canada in awhile (sorry Boken Social Scene) have released a new wed based interactive music video.
Created by Chris Milk, this experience is unlike anything I have ever seen before on the internet. Its part music video and part personalized journey into your past. Thats right, each “viewing” can be focused solely on you and your life. It is really easy to get going, all it takes is the address of the home you grew up in. The rest I will let you see for yourself.
I am not going to tell you what to feel or expect and I am sure everyone will see it differently and react in a myriad of ways. I am just asking to take this trip and see what happens. Please feel from to let me know how it was for you, because I know for me it was the most intense and cathartic thing I have ever experienced on my computer. Good work Arcade Fire, you just solidified your spot in my top 3 list of all time favorite bands.
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