
Total Film's 600 Movie Blogs You Might Have Missed




During the Break :: 3D TV

Steve and Brian gush on about what they don’t like about the arrival of 3D television during a commercial break.

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During the Break :: Brian vs. the iPad

Taken from our show a few weeks back, we have Brian discussing why the ergonomics of the iPad don’t work for him and why he figures he’ll always be a laptop guy. Steve adds his two cents, but Brian clearly has his mind made up.

You can catch Brian and Steve

Continue reading: During the Break :: Brian vs. the iPad

During the Break :: Shutter Island debrief

What is it about an island that makes it such a great setting for movies like Shutter Island?

Continue reading: During the Break :: Shutter Island debrief

During the Break :: Brian out-douches A.O. Scott

Brian manages to do the exact same thing he condemned A.O Scott for not 3 minutes prior…

Continue reading: During the Break :: Brian out-douches A.O. Scott

During the Break – JD Salinger

Steve tries to work out his abandonment issues over J.D. Salinger checking out without saying goodbye.

During the Break – Pandorum’s Ending

Can Pandorum deliver in the endings department? Check out this During the Break conversation.

Continue reading: During the Break – Pandorum’s Ending

Podcasting Behind the Scenes!

We’ve got a backstage pass to Steve and Brian knee deep in their radio show.

Continue reading: Podcasting Behind the Scenes!